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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2016-06-23  来源:驻几内亚使馆经商处
核心提示:据阿联酋媒体《The National》6月22日报道, 阿联酋环球铝业集团计划投资10亿美元在几内亚博凯地区开采铝矾土矿。
       据阿联酋媒体《The National622日报道, 阿联酋环球铝业集团计划投资10亿美元在几内亚博凯地区开采铝矾土矿。

阿联酋环球铝业集团(Emirates Global AluminiumEGA是世界第四大铝业集团,该集团由迪拜铝业(DUBAL)和阿联酋穆巴达拉投资公司(MUBASALA Investment Corporation)各占50%的股份。

阿联酋环球铝业集团在几内亚注册的分公司名为几内亚铝业公司(Guinea Alumina Corporation GAC) GAC由阿联酋环球铝业集团全资所有,100%控股。


GAC公司首席执行官William Morrell先生622日向《The National》表示, 该公司计划投资10亿美元建设几内亚矿区的基础设施,计划2018年完成第一期建设,实现出矿,计划年出口高品质铝矾土矿1200万吨。该项目将为几内亚创造4000个就业岗位。产出的铝矾土矿除了供应母公司EGA之外,还将销往国际市场。







EGA to go ahead with construction of Guinea bauxite mine

Mahmoud Kassem


June 22, 2016


Emirates Global Aluminium, the worlds fourth-largest producer of aluminium, is moving ahead with the construction of a US$1 billion bauxite mine in Guinea.


The investment will secure access to the mineral used in making aluminium and boost the companys production of the metal in the long run.


The mine, first announced in 2013, will be built by EGA subsidiary Guinea Alumina Corporation (GAC). It is expected to start production in 2018, producing 12 million tonnes of bauxite a year, making it one of the biggest producers of the highest-grade bauxite in the world, William Morrell, the GAC chief executive, told The National today.


It will ensure parent company EGA is a low-cost producer even as commodity producers the world over feel the strain from lower prices. The mine will create about 4,000 jobs in Guinea, as well as employment in Abu Dhabi. The bauxite produced will supply EGA and will also be sold on the world markets, Mr Morrell said.


Bauxite is the rock processed into alumina, which in turn is processed into aluminium. Guinea is the worlds largest producer of bauxite.


Despite the hard times for commodity producers, Abdulla Kalban, the EGA chief executive, said he was bullish about the long-term demand for aluminium, the increasing use of which in the manufacture of cars, aircraft and construction is fuelling demand.


This investment builds on our plan to secure EGAs supply chain and capitalise on growth in the third-party bauxite market," Mr Kalban said.


Despite the prevailing challenges facing the aluminium industry, we remain confident in the long-term outlook for the sector, and believe it is the right time for us to invest in high-quality, cost-competitive assets."








Corporate Profile

Guinea Alumina Corporation S.A. (GAC), a wholly Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA) owned mining development company, is currently focused on advancing its bauxite and alumina export project in the Republic of Guinea. The decision to invest in Guinea is a key component in the EGA strategy of upstream security Guinea is rich in mineral resources including iron ore, bauxite, diamonds and gold; and the country is home to over 7 billion tonnes of bauxite reserves (equivalent to 27 per cent of the world total). Moreover, Guinean bauxite is amongst the highest quality in the world particularly in terms of high alumina grade and low silica levels and is thus highly sought after by the international market. importantly, the GAC project centers on a high quality, export grade bauxite deposit in excess of 1.3 billion tonnes the concession being located in the Boké region of north-western Guinea at the heart of the countrys bauxite reserves.


The GAC project will be transformational for Guinea, which to date has had only one significant export mine since its independence. The benefits of the project for Guinea include:

The GAC bauxite mine will be Guineas second major bauxite mine, which will improve the positioning of Guinea on world markets.

Development of the commercial quay at Port Kamsar, which will be completed during 2015, will unlock other regional opportunities for bauxite and agricultural exports, as well as material imports. It will provide a pillar and catalyst for the development of the Boké corridor as an alternative to the Conakry Port.

The unprecedented investment of approximately US$ 1 billion will increase Guineas visibility and improve international perception and business indices.

An incremental US$ 500 million per annum GDP contribution and US$ 250 to 300 million to the Guinean trade balance, given that 100% of GAC production is destined for export.

Training and up-skilling of Guinean employees at EGAs UAE operations for subsequent redeployment in Guinea

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